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Noche de Antorchas (Torchs night)

The sky was cloudy, the ilumination was perfect, all the requirements were set for a night barbeque, we invited some friends and several clients that were requesting for it since long time ago until we decided that the night was perfect for it.

The palm was decorated by 2 tall green torches, setting a colorful illumination all over the place, showing several contrasts that cant be completely appreciated on the photos

As soon as the guests arrived we lighted up the Grill

For those who enjoy spicy food, David has his own recipe using avocado and several spicy souces , a recipe that he learnt on Mexico, very tasty and hot!

It was a success!, the guests were happy, they want to repeat,

All the event last up to 2 am, with enough food and beer,

we even brought a magician , a really good one!

The whole place was decorated with the sound of good jazz, Accustic Reggae  and Rock until the end!.

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